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Eve's Blog: Suviving FSGS & CKD

About Me

I was born in Augusta, GA, in 1973.

Both of my parents were born and raised in the plaines of Illinios in 1941. Both are now deceased. My mother died in 2000 from Congestive Heart Failure due to Emphysema and my father died in 2012 from cancer - Multiple Myeloma.


I met my husband, Terry, in 1999, at work. We married in 2000. We don't have any children.

I have five siblings. Brenda is our elder. Randy. Angela. Troy. And Stuart.   (Stuart and Angela are deceased)

1981 (From left to right:  Randy, Angie, Me with the bear, Troy, and Brenda)

1992 (From left to right:  Me, Randy, Angie, Brenda and Troy)



Our users

What's the one thing we want when we get sick?  Ok, ok. Besides medication and healing.... we want support and understanding. Finding a community just like you. a group of people who either have the same illness or a similar one so we can relate, compare symptoms, stories, and medications. Knowing we are not alone gives us a sense of security.